
Availability: 23.5%
Lower Parts
Upper Parts
Ammo via ammoseek.com
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Primary Arms Geissele Automatics Super Tricon Two Stage AR-15 Trigger .154" $240.00
Weapon Outfitters Geissele Automatics Super Semi-Automatic Enhanced Trigger (SSA-E) $240.00
Primary Arms Geissele Automatics Super 3 Gun S3G Hybrid AR-15 Trigger .154" $240.00
Primary Arms Geissele Automatics Super Dynamic 3 Gun SD-3G Hybrid AR-15 Trigger .154" $240.00
Bauer Precision Geissele Single-Stage Precision (SSP) M4 Curve Bow $239.99
Bauer Precision Geissele Super 3 Gun Trigger $239.99
Primary Arms Elftmann Tactical VR80 Pro Trigger - Black $239.00
Bauer Precision CMC Triggers Single Stage Curved Trigger - Gold $235.00
AR15Discounts Geissele Super 3 Gun (S3G) Trigger $234.00
AR15Discounts Geissele Single Stage Precision (SSP) M4 Curved Bow $234.00
Palmetto State Armory Timney Triggers Calvin Elite Single Stage 1.5 lbs. Trigger w/ 4 Adjustable Shoes - 660CE $229.99
Palmetto State Armory CMC AR9mm Single Stage 3.5 lb Curved Trigger - 95501 $229.99
Palmetto State Armory Geissele Hi-Speed National Match Trigger Set - 05-181 $229.99
Bauer Precision Radian Weapons Vertex Trigger - Flat $229.95
Bauer Precision Radian Weapons Vertex Trigger - Curved $229.95
Primary Arms Elftmann Pro Component AR-15 Trigger Straight $229.00
Primary Arms Elftmann Pro Component AR-15 Trigger Curved $229.00
AR15Discounts Geissele Super Semi-Automatic (SSA) Trigger Small (Standard Mil-Spec) Pin $225.95
AR15Discounts Geissele Super Semi-Automatic Enhanced (SSA-E) Trigger $225.95
Bauer Precision Timney AR PCC Trigger - Curved $224.99
Primary Arms CMC Triggers AR-15 / AR-10 Drop-In Two Stage Trigger - Curved - 2 & 2lb $221.99
Primary Arms Timney Triggers AR PCC Two Stage Drop In Trigger Curved Bow $219.99
Primary Arms POF USA Two Stage Drop In AR-15 Trigger with KNS Pins - Flat $219.99
Primary Arms Timney Triggers AR PCC Two Stage Drop In Trigger Straight Bow $219.99
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